After talking to SA’s bike riders, we have set 10 top infrastructure projects to focus our advocacy efforts on getting built. Here they are!
1: EXTEND FROME BIKEWAY TO THE RIVER TORRENS This has been promised, but we’ll believe it when we see it. While the Adelaide City Council dreams of the perfect separated bikeway for both cyclists and motorists, cyclists using the existing Frome Bikeway are left completely at the mercy of motorists when riding between Pirie Street and North Terrace.
2: A SAFE ROUTE ALONG NORTH TERRACE North Terrace is both Adelaide’s worst street and most important destination for cyclists. It was subject to a major redevelopment on the northern side about a decade ago, when cyclists were ignored. We urge the government to immediately give cyclists their own space, separate from both pedestrians and motor traffic, and to fully consider the needs of cyclists when North Terrace is re-modeled to accommodate the planned tram extension.
3: EAST-WEST BIKE ROUTE THROUGH CITY This has been promised, but given the troubles with the north-south (Frome) route, we will be in there campaigning. What route will be taken? What is being designed? Will a faster cyclist have room to overtake a slower cyclist? Will the intersections be safe?
4: SIGNAGE ON RIVER TORRENS We challenge a councillor or state politician to ride the River Torrens Linear Path and not get lost! Try finding the turn-off to Modbury. It should be so simple and cheap, but the signage that the councils have is expensive and useless.
5: PARK LANDS BOUNDARY ROUTE We have the (almost finished) Park Lands Trail, which is a fantastic recreational route, but it wanders about. Utility cyclists want direct routes that go somewhere. Lets start with upgrading the existing service track alongside the railway line, to give cyclists form the south direct, safe access to the new hospital and UniSA.
6: WINSTON AVENUE This is used by a lot of cyclists and there are a lot of crashes involving cyclists because the only alternatives are Goodwood Road and Main South Road. All houses have off-street driveway parking, so there is plenty of room for protected bike lanes. The roundabouts should be redesigned like those on Beulah Road, to slow cars down. And the speed limit should be 40kph.
7: GREENWAY FROM ASCOT PARK TO FLINDERS MEDICAL CENTRE With the Tonsley train being extended to the Flinders Medical Centre, we should be having a Greenway all along it, to connect with the Marino Bikeway at Ascot Park. There’s plenty of space. With a new bike route planned as part of the Darlington freeway, a Greenway to Flinders will also connect with the Veloway.
8: GAWLER GREENWAY The Gawler Greenway is a government project, but developments are oh so slow! While we generally support the policy of working out from city centre, people who want to ride from Gawler to the Bikedirect network in the suburbs currently have to use Main North Road. Using the railway alignment to connect Gawler with Adelaide should be easy and a priority. So should a connection between Salisbury and the bikeway along the Port Expressway.
9: GREENHILL RD BIKE LANES Clearway hours have recently been extended west of Glen Osmond Road, extending the hours that cyclists have bike lanes. While not 24-hour bike lanes, it’s an improvement. Nothing has happened east of Glen Osmond Road, despite the lack of any need to park along almost all of it. How can a department that claims “safety is paramount” justify forcing cyclists to swerve in and out of the traffic on such a busy road?
10: CONNECTION BETWEEN CRAFERS BIKEWAY AND BIKEDIRECT NETWORK The Crafers Bikeway is the only route into the Adelaide Hills where cyclists are protected from traffic. But the Bikeway dumps you at the Tollgate on six lanes of highway. Surely the Bikeway can be extended to the lights and then bike lanes on extended to link up with the BikeDirect network, instead of petering out after a hundred metres or so!